BCC – The Ark Preschool and Daycare
11. Covid-19
Policy Statement
Our setting will work with children, parents and the community in playing a part in the containment of Coronavirus (Covid-19). This policy applies to all employees, parents, children, volunteers, students, and anyone else working on behalf of the preschool. This policy also applies to delivery drivers visiting the preschool. This policy is based on the guidance from the below document.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19 (Accessed on 21st May 2020)
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/actions-for-educational-and-childcare-settings-to-prepare-for-wider-opening-from-1-june-2020/actions-for-education-and-childcare-settings-to-prepare-for-wider-opening-from-1-june-2020 (Accessed on 21st May 2020)
Purpose of the policy.
Protect all employees, services users, including parents and children from being infected with coronavirus (Covid-19).
To maintain the minimum level of staff to continue to provide the welfare needs of all children in our care.
To prevent the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19).
Symptoms include
A continuous cough
A high temperature
Anosmia (loss of smell)
Preschool opening.
The Preschool will ensure hygiene and self-distancing practice is in place and followed by staff, parents, and other service users. All staff and parents are to be informed of the procedure in maintaining social distancing and the practices which are in place to ensure good hygiene.
Children’s temperature might be taken during the session.
Liaising with wider services
The preschool is closely monitoring the pandemic and gathering information for the Department of Education and the Local Authority about the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19). The management team communicate regularly and report back to employees regarding updates of relevant documents.
Responding to an infection case.
In the event of a child or adult showing symptoms of Covid-19, the preschool will follow the necessary precautions set out in the Covid-19 Implementing Protective measures in Education and Childcare settings (DfE 2020). The preschool staff will wear necessary PPE to contain the risk of infection while looking after the child. The child will be moved into another room away from others, if possible and appropriate, while waiting for a family member to collect. The preschool will ask the parents to organise a PCR test from www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test and the preschool will require a negative result before the child returns.
If an employee experiences any of the Covid-19 symptoms, they will inform manager immediately, self-isolate and contact their GP or 111 for advice. The staff member will access the Government Key workers test page to organise a PCR test and will not return until they have a negative result. The preschool will be in contact with the Local Authority and Public Health England for guidance. Parents will be informed on both occasions if a positive test result be received.
On both occasions the management will call NHS 111 or 999 should the patient shows signs of serious illness or life threatening.
Preventing the spread of Coronavirus
The preschool will take necessary measures set out in the Government implementing protective measures in Education document.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-implementing-protective-measures-in-education-and-childcare-settings/coronavirus-covid-19-implementing-protective-measures-in-education-and-childcare-settings (Accessed on 21st May 2020)
Asymptomatic home testing kits (lateral flow tests) are to be used by setting staff twice a week at home, staff are asked to report their results to the NHS Covid App.
Staff are advised to be vaccinated against Covid-19.
Employees are required to practice good hygiene and cleanliness standards
Regularly hand washing for staff and children, with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on arriving in preschool and at regular times during the day
Regular use of hand sanitizer for staff
Ventilation: A window to be open in each room to provide fresh air flow, internal doors and the external door to the garden to be open during free flow play times.
All should be advised to cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with either a bent elbow or tissue and wash hands afterwards
Staff to avoid contact with others, such as handshakes and maintain social distance of 2 meters
Avoid touching eyes nose and mouth.
Frequently touched surfaces will be cleaned during the day with Milton fluid.
Thorough cleaning will take place every evening after the preschool day by the cleaner organised by BCC-The church.
Recording and informing the necessary people.
Wider services
In the event of a child or a member of staff contracting Covid-19, The preschool will be in contact with Public Health, London Borough of Bromley, and Ofsted.
Informing parents
The preschool will inform parents if a child or parent shows symptoms of Coronavirus or has a positive test result.
In the event of an employee or child catching the virus, the preschool will follow the RIDDOR reporting of Covid-19 by completing a report online.
https://notifications.hse.gov.uk/riddorforms/DangerousOccurrence (Accessed on 22nd May 2020)
This policy was adopted at the meeting of BCC-The Ark Preschool and Daycare.
Held on 22 May 2021
Reviewed November 2022
Next review: April 2023
Signed on behalf of the provider
Name of signatory: Arzu Subasi
Role of the signatory (eg Chair, Director, or owner) Manager